Once again, it is time to collect items for Operation Christmas Child.
Boxes are available in the Fellowship Hall with instructions. Please
take note of items that are NOT to be included. Place the label on
the outside of the box and wrap box with a rubber band. Boxes
should be returned to the fellowship hall by Wednesday, November
13th. We need everyone to participate. Together we can make a
difference in the lives of children around the world by putting a smile
on their faces and a good feeling in our hearts knowing we took the
time to share with them the love of Jesus. Monetary donations are
also being accepted. Please contact Barbara Epley at 336-249-1331
for more information.
WORK DAY – An Operation Christmas Child work day has been
scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. in
Charlotte. The church bus will leave at 11:30 a.m. We will eat dinner
in Charlotte and return around 8 p.m. Please sign up for the trip with
Judy LeCroy, either by email or by telephone. Here’s the information:
jlecroy@triad.rr.com 336-406-9988.