Jim Skotthy

Jim Skotthy began as Business Administrator at First Baptist Church in June of 2017. He was born in New York City and moved to the City of Poughkeepsie in the Hudson Valley where he grew up.

He began his career in radio, working in various capacities, including on-air, promotions, news and programming. That career led him to North Carolina in 1986 where he has worked at such stations at WTQR, WMAG and WSJS. In 2006 he was offered a position on the re-election campaign as Finance Director for Congresswoman Virginia Foxx. He stayed with her for 8 years until he started at Ameriprise Financial, helping to plan retirement strategies.

Jim and his wife Wendy are the proud parents of two boys, Carter and Colby and have been long time members at FBC, having been married by Rev. Tommy Wilson in 1992.

He is a past member of the Greensboro and North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce, having served on both organizations board of directors and is active in the North Davidson High School Athletic Association. He served two terms on the booster club board and has coordinated season football ticket and parking sales. He has also served as a PA announcer for North Davidson Soccer and filled in for some Basketball games.

In his spare time, Jim likes to work around the house. He enjoys all kinds of sports, history, politics and especially his family.