Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols had its origin at Truro Cathedral in England on Christmas Eve 1880, when a service of scripture and supporting carols was developed by the Bishop of Truro, F.W. Benson.  Thirty-eight years later in 1918 this format was adapted for Christmas Eve at King’s College Chapel in Cambridge, England.  It has grown in popularity over the years and is now celebrated in cathedrals and small churches throughout the world.  The heart of the service continues to this day — that is, the retelling of the Christian’s story of faith from the fall of Adam to the coming of the Word Incarnate.

Nine Lessons and Carols has been a tradition at First Baptist Church for more than 30 years now and continues to be a highlight of the Christmas Season.

2022 Service
2022 Youtube -Nine Lessons and Carols
2022 Nine Lessons and Carols Bulletin

2019 Service

December 15 -Nine Lessons Bulletin 2019

Audio Player

(This is the full length service.)

2016 Service

December 24, 2016 Candlelight Service

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(This is the full length service.)

Bulletin for the 2014 service.

Audio Player



Listen to the tracks from the 2013 presentation of Nine Lessons and Carols:


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Lesson 1-Adam and Eve Rebel Against God & O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

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Lesson 2-God promises to faithful Abraham that his descendents will be a blessing to all the nations of the earth & What is This Lovely Fragrance

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Lesson 3-A voice cries in the wilderness preparing the way of the Lord & For Unto Us a Child is Born

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Lesson 4-That Christ is to be born in Bethlehem is Foretold & O Little Town of Bethlehem

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Lesson 5- The Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will be the mother of Jesus & O Lux Beatissima

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Lesson 6- Saint Luke tells of the birth of Christ & Joy to the World

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Lesson 7- The Shepherds go to Bethlehem & Sussex Carol

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Lesson 8- The Magi Visit The Messiah & What Kind of King

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Lesson 9-  Saint John Unfolds The Great Mystery Of The Incarnation &  O Come, All Ye Faithful

Audio Player