Salvation Army Christmas Angels


Salvation Army Angels 2013

Happy November!  It’s that time of the year for the Angel Tree Program.  Last year, thanks to your generosity, the Salvation Army of Davidson County Angel Tree program was able to provide Christmas gifts to over 1,000 children.

The Angel Tree program provides new clothing and toys for children of families in need ages 0-12 years old in Davidson County.  Please consider adopting an angel again or for the first time this year.

How to Adopt an Angel:
1. Select an Angel or two from the table in the sanctuary and record your name and contact information on the sheet on the table. Each tag provides the Angel’s name, age, gender, clothing size, and wish list.

3. Purchase new, unused, unwrapped toys and clothing items that the angel has specified on the tag; don’t feel obligated to purchase everything on the tag. Place the items in a durable bag with the Angel tag inside the bag or affixed to the gift (s) so that the Salvation Army can identify where the items need to go.

5. Return your gifts to the stage in the Fellowship Hall by Sunday December 8.  Do NOT return them directly to the Salvation Army- they will pick them up at the church the next morning.

6. DONE!  You can feel great knowing that with your help children who otherwise might not have anything for Christmas will find gifts waiting under their tree. Thank you for all you do to help with this important ministry.