2013 Newsletter on CBFNC-Belize Missions



The partnership between the Baptist Association of Belize and CBFNC has yielded fruit this year in the progress of possibly 12 students to graduation from the Baptist Bible School of Belize, in the completion of one hurricane shelter building, a fellowship hall at Iglesia Bautista Getsemani in the north, and the completion of one level of a hurricane shelter school at Santa Elena in the west and in other successful endeavors. FBC Dunn had a wonderful celebration dedicating the hurricane shelter fellowship hall that was completed during the three year partnership in Santa Clara. Hopefully, there will be a celebration this fall at Santa Elena as the work and contributions of many churches and individuals results in the opening of Santa Elena Primary School. Hal Melton’s Trinity Church has taken the leadership but youth and adult teams from across the state have been involved in working together with Pastor Manny and others from Santa Elena Baptist Church.

FBC Whiteville had a great experience as they worked with the veteran Oakmont team at the new Santa Elena school. Greystone’s youth team worked at the school, and one from Ardmore is to work this June. Also FBC Wilmington is planning to join in this effort in May of this year. Others have contributed funds and prayer support. There is still opportunity for more churches to join.

Like FBC Dunn, other churches and groups have continued partnerships while others like Winter Park BC are planning to have their first experience in Belize. In the first group are churches like Westwood BC whose long relationship with Armenia has resulted in their providing a Baptist High School scholarship for a young lady they have watched grow up (plus two other students). Other committed churches and individuals have expanded mission to include those with educational and economic impact.

Linda Winslow and her friend had a successful experience with teaching members at Iglesia Bautista Cahal Pech to can tomatoes. They are looking to go again in late April or early May 2013. Greystone has taught some craft activities at this same church, and FBC Marion is planning to work on agriculture in 2014.

Julie and Eric Maas continue to provide leadership at the camp. They have received permanent residency status in Belize and are moving in the direction of adopting a child from a children’s home nearby. Both of the Maas children are now in school and are excited about the possibility of having a new brother. In addition to their many projects, Eric and Julie will be hosting the CBF Latin American field personnel team this month.

The Baptist Bible School of Belize (BBSB) held the first classes of its seventh year this January. For the twenty first session, there were twenty-one students in attendance– ranging in age from twenty-two to seventy three. Some are not pastors but had led church services when their pastors were away. Sister Bood, a pastor’s wife said the studies have increased her skills and she is leading women in her church to do evangelism with the fruits of eighteen people being added to the church.

Susan Pasour is the state side leader for the BBSB. Her assistant is still an open volunteer position. Randy Outland ( Spillman Memorial) and Brenda Hipp (FBC Lexington) have helped. If you would like to teach in the school or be the helper, please contact Susan at <spasour@yahoo.com>. As CBFNC funds are phasing out, continued and new support from churches is needed for the school to continue operation in 2014.

Work From February 2012 through January 2013

February—Greystone and some members of FBC High Point repaired a roof and plumbing, installed windows and locks and painted at Cahal Pech continuing their multi-year partnership.

March—Meredith led literacy program and funded a playground at Faith Nazarene School in San Ignacio

May—Trinity BC medical/dental team worked at Valley of Peace. God-moment getting a child bitten by a poisonous snake to Belmopan Hospital in time for anti-venom and life to be saved.

June—Linda Winslow of FBC High Point & CBFNC Missions Council taught tomato canning at Cahal Pech.

June—Westwood BC painted educational building at Belmopan BC, did VBS and other activities with children, attended graduation of Stephanie Tuel of Armenia. Westwood will sponsor Stephanie and two others to attend the Baptist High School for four years.

June—Greystone youth dug a ditch at the Santa Elena Primary School project.

June—Woodhaven did painting and tiling at Sand Hill BC

June—FBC Dunn completed the shelter/fellowship hall at Gethsamanie, worked on the education building and did VBS. Had a wonderful dedication service after three years of working together.

July—FBC Marion youth worked and did painting at Maria’s House of Hope, Kings Children’s Home and Baptist High School.

July—FBC Whiteville & Oakmont BC cleaned, painted and worked on Santa Elena Primary School. They also held VBS and used a prayer chair and prayer walking, giving out Bibles. Construction at BTC.

August—Trinity BC did finishing work on the first floor of Santa Elena Primary School.

September—Oakmont BC provided medical clinics (saw 669 patients) in Mahogany Heights, Maya Mopan and Salvapan and worked with children and provided education for staff at Marla’s House of Hope.

November—Oakmont BC did construction at Bethel Disciples International Church and at the BTC.

January—FBC Marion laid blocks on the second floor of Santa Elena Primary School.

January—Trinity BC worked on the second floor of Santa Elena Primary School.

Plans through 2013


March 30- Greystone BC Electrical work at Cahal Pech,
April/May Linda Winslow Canning at Cahal Pech
May 17-26 Trinity BC Medical/dental/optometric clinic
May 19-26 FBC Wilmington Construction at Santa Elena Primary School
June 15-23 Ardmore BC Construction at Santa Elena Primary School, Medical and dental at BTC
July 21-28 FBC Whiteville VBS at Santa Elena BC
July 23-30 Winter Park BC Iglesia Bautista Pan De Vida
July 23-30 Oakmont BC youth Near or at the BTC
July 28-Aug 7 FBC Lexington youth VBS with youth of Belmopan Baptist Church
August 9-17 Trinity BC Santa Elena Primary School

BBSB—May 20-24 and August 19-23, 2013 and January 6-10, 2014