March 2016 CBFNC – Belize Missions


March 2016 Newsletter on CBFNC-Belize Missions

The partnership between the Baptist Association of Belize and CBFNC has continued with cooperation among teams and agencies and among churches in construction, education, spiritual development and economic development projects.  One cooperative activity came to an end during this year; the Baptist Bible School of Belize (BBSB) held its final set of classes in May and last graduation in October.

The BBSB held its first session in January of 2006 with Dennis Hipp, Bob Lamb and Antolino Flores as its leaders and with six students in attendance.  Many of your churches have given scholarships to one or more of the fifty plus students who attended at least one of the sessions offered for a week – three each year.  Over thirty students have received their diplomas—three of the last four doing a marathon of six courses in six days at the final session in May.  Thanks to Rev. Susan Pasour, state side leader of the BBSB, and to all who sent money and all who taught.  The impact of this school will continue to be felt as pastors use training they received, as laymen have become pastors and as laypersons are more educated teachers and participants in their churches.

A cooperative project that several of our churches have worked on is expanding.  The main building of the Santa Elena Baptist Primary School was dedicated this past August.  This year Rev. Hal Melton and  Trinity Baptist Church of Raleigh have been back there with a construction team working on two additional classrooms for preschool children who currently meet at the Santa Elena Baptist Church.  Money has been sent by Trinity and CBFNC to provide materials used by the Santa Elena Church and by Trinity.  Hal says that more money for pouring the roof and a team to “run electric wiring, and hang lights and fans” will be needed.  This may be a place where your church would like to make a donation for building materials or take a team to work.  If so, contact Hal at:

Other projects, in addition to construction at the Santa Elena Baptist Primary School, included work by a group of students and faculty from Meredith College who helped by providing books and setting up  a library for the school.  They also provided librarian training “as well as tutoring and teacher training in a reading program called Motheread”.  (participant Amy Wilson)

The Meredith College team worked with a number of other agencies to provide “training for caregivers of children’s homes, videography with the purpose of providing promotional materials for Belize’s child welfare department, and training of local businessmen in principles to enhance their existing programs.”  (participant Amy Wilson)  Most of these agencies were in Belmopan.

Trinity Baptist, Raleigh and six members from Emerywood Baptist, and teams from FBC Clinton and Bladenboro Baptist worked on another construction project in 2015—building a new sanctuary for Sand Hill Baptist Church.  In August, Trinity “put on the metal roofing/flashing to connect the new Sand Hill sanctuary to the original building.”  The original sanctuary will become classroom and weekday preschool space.

A different type of construction project was completed by the twelfth annual mission team from FBC Marion.  They partnered with Belmopan Baptist High School and the Rotary Club of Marion to work on a sheep training program for the school.  This involved building a sheep barn and fencing approximately four acres.  Rev. Scott Hagaman, pastor of FBC Marion writes that “Arrangements are now being made to acquire sheep for the program.”

Julie and Eric Maas have been a great part of God’s work in Belize as they have worked as directors of the Baptist Training Center.  As they leave the camp to work with Young Life in Belize, we will miss all the wonderful modelling and help they have provided teams and the Baptist Bible School of Belize.  They will still be in Belize and will continue their work with many groups there.  They have been instrumental in working with the anti-trafficking organization, Child Development Foundation, to raise funds and get teams to work on Belize’s first Rescue Home, the Gomer House. If you are interested in working on this project, contact the Maases: jamseekservesave(at)

Since last May, the Maases have worked with Erica, a CBF Student Go intern. Erica’s internship will end this May.   Julie writes that “She’s been working with the Child Development Foundation in parent education and has been doing bibliotherapy with another ministry called Pathlight.”

I have some feeling of sadness with the resignation of the Maases as the directors of the Baptist Training Center and with the closing of the Baptist Bible School of Belize (BBSB).  Both have been a vital part of ministry in Belize.  If you are interested in serving as interim directors or as full-time directors of the Baptist Training Center, please contact Rev. Ray Howell, at First Baptist Lexington.  The email address is

The needs of the Baptist Association of Belize for schools and churches, for training, for medical and  dental assistance and for economic and spiritual growth of its members are among those we partner to meet.  From the work reported, you can see the diversity of projects for meeting these needs.  You can also see the many types of partnerships with a variety of organizations and among various churches.  These  experiences are enriching for North Carolina teams as well as Belizeans.  Some of the work done in the past year is noted below—a mere statement of work that does little to encapsulate the growth and benefits of God’s kingdom among participants.

Work From March 2015 through February 2016
May—Meredith College students and faculty did Crisis Care training with caregivers of children’s homes, provided books & training for a library at Santa Elena Baptist Primary School and much more.

June—Ardmore BC.

July—FBC Clinton did construction at Sand Hill Baptist Church.

July—Oakmont BC team led a summer camp and Bible study at Marla’s House of Hope.

Aug—FBC and FUMC Lexington youth worked with youth of Belmopan Baptist Church to provide VBS.  The youth developed the curriculum from the topic given by Belmopan Baptist Church.

August—Trinity BC Raleigh and Emerywood did construction at Sand Hill Baptist Church.

November—Oakmont BC did construction at the Gomer House—putting the walls and roof on the administration building and chapel.

January—Trinity BC Raleigh built the concrete block walls/lentils for one of two additional rooms at Santa Elena Baptist Primary School.

February—FBC Marion held medical clinics at Camalote Baptist Church, King’s Children’s  Home,  New Jerusalem Baptist Church and in Armenia and La Gracia; and they constructed a sheep barn and fencing for a sheep training program at Belmopan Baptist High School.

Plans through 2016
August 12-20
Trinity BC, Raleigh
Construction at Santa Elena Baptist School

Nov 12-19
Oakmont BC
Construction at the Gomer House

Reported by Brenda Hipp.