Opportunities for Service.


From Ray’s sermon of April 10th, 2016, Opportunities for Service is here on the opportunitiesforservice-apr2016website.  Ray’s invitation to join the ministry of FBC included three basic points of consideration for action.

He called them the ABCs:

A: Ask God,

B: Be yourself and

C: Commitment.

The online signup form is here.

Some of these opportunities can be filled by one person.  Some will require numerous volunteers.  Where is God leading you to serve?

Visit Nursing Homes, Rehab Centers, and Homebound (Coordinate with CARE Committee to visit our church family members who are confined to home or a healthcare facility)

Coordinate Lay Readers (Schedule Lay Readers for Sunday Mornings, Coordinate with Ray to provide Scriptures in advance)

Coordinate Bible Openers (Maintain a list of children to open the Bible, contact families in advance to schedule Sundays and coordinate with Ray or the church office)

Church Paraments (Coordinate with Ray to have the correct Paraments on the pulpit and communion table, and make sure the paraments are maintained, protected, and properly stored)

Coordinate Youth Snack Suppers (Beginning this fall, schedule snack suppers for Sunday nights, coordinating with youth leaders)

Vacation Bible School (We need workers for VBS July 25-29)

Family Life Committee (We hope to plan more family, social, and fun activities and would like to increase the number of people on the Family Life Committee)

Church Vehicles (Make sure our bus and mini-bus are up to date on service and inspections. Know where to send vehicles if repairs are needed)
Wednesday Night Meals (Volunteers needed beginning in the fall)

Visitors Follow-Up
(Contact those who visit our church and share information on the church if interested)

FaithHealth (Join our FaithHealth ministry to provide transportation, meals, or support services as needed)

FaithHealth Monthly Emphasis
(Coordinate with Dr. Victor Farrah to provide the monthly bulletin insert on a timely health issue)

Hospital Visitors (When Ray is not available, visit our church members who are hospitalized)

Agency Representative (Keep our church family informed of needs and volunteer opportunities in the agency that you represent)

Sunday Morning Coffee Room (Thank you Alyson Honeycutt for coordinating!—we will need volunteers to help)

Sunday Morning Greeters (Join our friendly group of greeters to provide a cheerful welcome and assistance when needed)

Shoebox Ministry (Coordinate our annual Shoebox Ministry)

Salvation Army Christmas Angels (Coordinate our annual Christmas Angel campaign through the Salvation Army)

Church Bulletin Boards
(Coordinate and decorate our church bulletin boards to promote important events)

Sanctuary Flowers (Coordinate flowers for the sanctuary including the annual Christmas Poinsettias, palms for Palm Sunday & Easter Lilies)

Fountain (Maintain our church fountain in the Columbarium Garden)

Columbarium Sales and Oversight (Oversee our Church Columbarium with responsibility for sales)

TV Informational Monitor (Update the TV monitor in the Fellowship Hall lobby on a weekly basis)

Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry (Join our Sunday morning prayer team to pray for our church during this important time)

Candles and Candle Lighters (Look after the candles in the sanctuary and the lighters that we use for the Christ Candle.  Coordinate with Ray for candles needed for All Saint’s Sunday)

Extended Session/Nursery (Volunteers are needed to help with the nursery and extended session during the worship service)

Children’s Ministry (Coordinate a Children’s Ministry during worship, plan a week at Passport Kids, plan outings and events for children)

Chrismon Ministry
(Join this dedicated group of talented members to create new Chrismons for our beautiful tree this Advent season)

Small Jobs Ministry
(Help is needed with this important ministry)

Single Adult Ministry
(Start a Single Adult Ministry in our church)

Host a Small Group (Small groups can meet for Bible Study, book reviews, prayer, or for any special ministry)

Create a New Ministry (Perhaps God is calling you to create a brand new ministry)

Music Ministry (Sanctuary Choir, Senior Adult Choir, Handbells, Youth Choir, Soloists, Ensembles, Children’s Choirs-Joyful Singers and Chancel Choristers)

Sunday School Literature (Work with SS Director John Thacker to organize and distribute Sunday School Literature)

Creative Writing (Use your creative writing skills to write original “Gatherings” and/or litanies for the worship service)

Church Ambassador (We have many outside groups and agencies who use our church building as part of our mission to the community. We need someone to represent the church at these occasions)

Prayer Shawl Ministry (Join this group of gifted women who knit or crochet prayer shawls for the sick, baby blankets, and afghans for our high school graduates)

Nominating Committee
(Our Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to fill our committee and leadership positions.  Find a place of service and let us know this is where you would like to serve)

Touching Davidson County With Love
(Become a part of our leadership team to begin planning the 11th Annual TDCWL!)

FaceBook and Twitter
  (Manage our church’s FaceBook page, updating frequently.  Start a church Twitter account to promote church activities and share information.)

We have many church members who are involved in a multitude of ministries.  If you are already doing something that is on this list we are grateful.  This list is by no means exhaustive and does not include many of the important tasks that are appointed by the Nominating Committee.  These are areas that we need your help to build the church of Christ.

To volunteer for a service opportunity on this list or to learn more you can
a) email ray at ray(at)fbclex.org;
b) call the church office at (336) 245-1261;
c) circle the opportunity (or opportunities) and hand the list to Ray, Jim Tate, or the church office or;  Print out the list here.
d) complete this online form.

To volunteer for a position of leadership or service that is covered by the Nominating Committee, please email Debbie Tate at dtate(at)triad.rr.com