On October 6, 2013, the Baptist Bible School of Belize held its fifth graduation in Orange Walk. There were twelve very happy graduates–the largest class ever. There was a pastor from way down south near Punta Gorda and up north at Orange Walk as well as from Belize City. Most graduates are lay leaders, including a pastor’s wife who has brought many into the church at Burrell Boom, an energetic 74-year-old, and an American who has adopted several children from Belize. The later paid his own way.

photo by Rev. Susan Pasour, the stateside coordinator for the BBSB
FBC has supported this school from its beginnings in 2006. Dennis Hipp and Graham Hall were provided travel to assist in the school. Since Graham’s “retirement”, funding has helped Brenda Hipp to travel and assist with the school and attend this 2013 graduation. Designated funds have been sent to CBFNC and accessed to pay for student’s books, for food for students during the three weeks they spend in school at the Baptist Training Center, and for administrative costs. Much of this has come from Fellowship/Philpott Sunday School class of FBC. It is not a line item in either the FBC or CBFNC budgets. But it is a cause that changes the lives of the participants and those to whom they minister.
Brenda Hipp