The Eighth Annual Day of Touching Davidson County with Love (TDCWL)
Saturday, April 12
Update March 16: Sign up by March 30 on the downstairs bulletin board by the Fellowship Hall. We are collecting dietary supplements (like Ensure or its generic equivalent) for the Davidson County Department of Social Services and non perishable food items for the Pastor’s Pantry.
Update March 5: Check the bulletin board near the elevator on the ground floor to see what activities are available. The last day to sign up will be March 30.
We will also be collecting items for local charities. Check to see what our church has been asked to collect. In addition, please bring canned goods for Pastor’s Pantry. Collections will be accepted through April 9th.
A celebration including all participants will be held April 10th at First Reformed United Church of Christ at 5:30pm with a light supper. A prayer service will follow.
Tee Shirts can be ordered by March 14 so you can wear them on the 10th and 12th. See Debbie Auman to order your Tee Shirt today!
Update March 2: Beginning Wednesday, March 5, you will have the opportunity to sign up as a volunteer for Touching Davidson County with Love. Look for the signup sheets on the bulletin board downstairs near the elevator.
This is now the time to order a 2014 t-shirt. You can do this over the next two Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall, on Sunday morning March 9 or by calling Debbie Auman or Tobin Shepherd. March 12 is the last day to order a shirt.
Update February 9: Davidson County churches will once again join forces to serve needy members of our community as we observe Touching Davidson County with Love 2014 on Saturday, April 12.
As in the past, viable projects are now being sought from welfare agencies in the county. Individuals may also suggest projects. Churches may form teams to complete projects, or individuals may sign up for particular projects. These possibilities will be distributed to each church in March. Some of the proposed activities include preparing food, painting, cleaning yards, gardening, housecleaning, small home repairs and construction, visiting and/or singing at nursing homes, making baby blankets, etc.
We need project managers and other volunteers at First Baptist. TDCWL began at First Baptist in 2007, so the leadership team will certainly be counting on our members to make the day a success.
If you are willing to serve as a project manager, please send that information to one of the following:
Judy LeCroy at 249-3766 or
Kay Albright, 248-4130 or
Tobin Shepherd, 303.0822 or
There will be a celebration and prayer service for all TDCWL volunteers on Thursday, April 10, at First Reformed United Church of Christ, Lexington, NC.
This will be a wonderful gathering of members from the participating churches. Please plan to be a part of this event.
Our church will be contributing $1,000 through the 2014 Mission Budget. If you would like, you can also make a financial contribution.
TDCWL T-shirt orders are due by March 14. Call Debbie Auman (248-5802) or the church office if you wish to order.